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All these updates are added!
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All these updates are added!
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Barracks: Having Avatar (NFT), Clan, Emblems and Calling Cards, Player statistics (Clan Tag, Level, Ranking, Progress), and Loadout. Here you can customize your character and select gameplay type.
Emblems and Calling Cards: Players can select and personalize their nameplate and avatars by selecting their favourite emblems and calling cards in the Barracks window.
Mystery Boxes: Mystery boxes will be randomly allotted on the basis of Daily Bonuses and will contain game assets and NFTs. Some Mystery Boxes will be hidden in maps.
[Updates below have been added]
Discord Login: Now log into J.O.S.H with your Discord account and have all your GameData stored on it. This will help Discord users in getting higher priorities in certain giveaways!
Detailed End-of-Round Card: With animated transitions, more game statistics, and a level progression sequence, this update is visually superior to our current card.
Third-Person View: Players can switch between first-person and third-person view in-game with the click of a button.
Kill Streaks: As a reward for attaining kill streaks, players can call in special advantages in-game which include three abilities:
UAV: Shows enemy positions on the MiniMap for players and teammates.
Helicopter Support: Invoke the use of a helicopter to follow the player and shoot down enemy team members.
Air Strike: Launch a barrage of missiles according to the player's chosen location on the MiniMap.
Kill Streak Notifier: Display a UI notification with animation and sound for each multiple kills, which also reflects in performance bonuses.
Vehicles: Drive cars around in the map with other players as passengers who can shoot from inside the vehicle.
Input Manager: Adding the option to adjust the Key/Input binding in-game, allowing players to pick the keys that best suit them or add alternative keys for specific functions.
Language Support: J.O.S.H has been set up and localized with these 7 languages: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Italian, and Portuguese.
PayPal Integration with Shop to purchase J.O.S.H Coins.
Level System: The level icon will be displayed in the lobby and scoreboard for each player. A notification shall be displayed in-game and in the lobby when a new level is reached. Higher levels will be synonymous to getting perks such as higher vote power in DAOs and access to better weapons in Loadout.
Follow our socials to be up-to-date on everything J.O.S.H: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evstudios_josh/ Medium: https://gameonjosh.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/evstudios_josh YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNw733l1hEpO19Mln9Gf5A Website: https://josh.evstudios.in/